Tuesday, January 27, 2009


2009 Women's Strip Peace Walk

MARCH 7, 2009
9:00 a.m.

Gather @ the Statue of Liberty @ New York, New York Casino
Walking North on the Strip to the Federal Building.

The 2nd Women's Strip Peace Walk down the world famous Las Vegas Strip.
A walk for women and everyone who loves and supports them.

"Stop The Violence"

Is the focus of the 2009 International Women's Day. We join in their intention to end the violence against women around the world. Fueled not by anger or hurt, but by love for the self and common love we have for one another to heal and end that which is not borne from love.

Building a new foundation of peace, dignity and respect for women will institutionally and instinctively bring an end to violence against women in our homes, our streets, our community and our world.

Empowerment of women in their own
peace, dignity and respect is the first step.

As we do the "Strip Peace" walk, we remember that we as women have power that we can choose to use or not. Remembering our specialness as women and our responsibility to use that specialness to create balance and peace in our homes, community and world requires one to stand in that uniqueness alone and with those who offer support.

The roles of "Mom," "Grandmother," "Sister," "Aunt," "Matriarch," "Daughter," "Goddess," "Wife," "Woman" and "Lady" are roles of power and support for the entire social structure in our society. This day we celebrate those roles, our position and recommit to the roles of dignity and respect we have been called to play.

For more details and information, check out and join The Las Vegas Peace Project.

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