Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Twitter drMLK

This weekend we caught four hours of PBS' American Experience. In those hours, the series reflected and remembered the 50's and 60's and the evolution of the Civil Rights movement.

So often in our lives, we take a piece of knowledge we receive and we put it in a box and say, "there it is, that's that." We do ourselves a great service at going back and revisiting history with new eyes to look at what we've put in that box as being "the truth." I asked a mentor of mine once, "what do you do when 'the truth' is a lie for you?" He replied, "I would give you the advice of C.S. Lewis, 'put it in a box with a note that says, "open when ready,"' and look at that 'truth' with the eyes you have in the moment and see whether it is still a 'lie' or whether it has become the 'truth' for you too."

And so, too, I have learned we must do this with the "truth," because the context of our lives that breaths and grows with time and experience will shed new light on that which we believe to be true and that which we believe is untrue.

So much of the nuances of the daily in's and out's of what they accomplished, how they did it and what they were trying to do, and my life experience since becoming a mother sheds such a different light on many of the things Dr. King (and others) said, wrote and did in their struggle to bring equality to our society.

THEN, I watched the news last evening . . . you know I do not watch much mainstream news, but with the new President's press conference, I wanted to see what was being "pumped" into the homes of America (and perhaps the world). The misinformation and misguiding of the media was astonishing to me. And, I'm not just talking about the pundits but those who supported the President as well. They were creating detractors for the wrong reasons and creating supporters for the wrong reasons and everyone was missing the truth in their discussion and commentary.

SO (look to the left sidebar), this morning I created "drMLK" on Twitter. I will be finding a quote and posting it on as regular a basis as I do everything in my life, and posting it into the consciousness of the internet. The first quote came from Dr. King's recollection on the struggle in Birmingham when they decided to mobilize the children of the city to bring the bright spotlight of the inhumanity and brutality of segregation and racism to light for the world to see. The quote is from "Why We Can't Wait."

If you think that President Obama is our savior here in America . . . if you think you don't need to be as vigilant as you were under President Bush for the establishment of peace here in America and around the world, go on back to sleep. BUT, if you know that we are the leaders and our President follows the People, then I encourage you to go about your business of creating equality and justice through the challenge of ignorance and prejudice in your world . . . and keep your ever vigilant eye on your local, state, national and global governments and leaders.

UPCOMING GLOBAL EVENTS: Summit of the Americas, April 2K9.
The new global structure foundation for the American continents is being finalized and implemented. They have been creating this structure since President Bush I, and have completed over 20 years of development and formation, which have been equally supported by both of the major parties in the United States. Look at the agenda, research the history and you can see what is happening right before your eyes as we shift our reality to the "new world order." The "new world order" is not evil, it just is a new structure that can be used by those with the power and control over the structure. The truth always is: the people have the power to the extent they choose to use it.

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

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