Monday, July 06, 2015


Peaceful negotiations are our best bet to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon—and the alternatives are far more dangerous and costly.

Peaceful negotiations are our best bet to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon—and the alternatives are far more dangerous and costly.

Saturday, July 04, 2015


#FBLRM2015.3 Update 2 Full Text

So, day 2.  Has anyone ?  Nope.
I did get a strange email from "Peter Reid" it came from Indiegogo so, I went ahead and responded, just in case it was real.  I am so tired of no knowing what is and is not real.

I am grateful that someone at Google Wallet is actually, finally, looking into reality like there's a problem, not that my $3.00 is a problem, but that there's a problem with the reality i experienced that so much bothers me, i have to get the Federal Trade Commission involved.  Really, I started that complaint and I went, NO!  This is too STUPID for @GoogleWallet's service contractor to NOT want to fix it for their own protection.  So, I tried one more time.  So, instead I concentrated today on the 4th of July and "Secure America" and their fear mongering trying to derail the Nuclear Talks with Iran from within our own position.  I don't understand that either, but there they are in my Twitter feed doing it, just all bold like ISIS is using Twitter.  And then I read about how much money the CIA spent in that region.  Oh, boy.

Back to the tour.  Yes, so really, Mr. Reid asked why it was important and I have a really hard time to think that anything is really important because we have a president who instead of tweeting about, oh, i dunno, how the major media channels are not covering the burning of the churches in the South and the lack of Loretta Lynch's very obvious campaign to not do anything about it at all at a federal level -- I don't know, I don't watch tv, what is going on? 

All I know is this:  No one is talking about Fukushima and the rising waters that are going to be impacting our coasts in the very near future, let alone the continued risk our old nuclear plants impose on our sensibilities after witnesses some really simple acts of nature that caused the Fukushima disaster in the first place.  So, #OccupyCityHall on that one.

And I know this:  BlackLivesReallyMatter and I really want to go to Ferguson and support those who are STILL struggling for justice there, today, in 2015, for an act that is so wrong, so racists, most of our sensibilities don't even know that stuff still happens in our own nation.  So, a showing of solidarity and an extra pair of hands to help do the tedious work needed to be done to maintain their movement and momentum, pressure and advancements against the hate that gave rise to the #FergusonResponse in the first place.

To me, they bring together the two issues that combine to give the force of support behind the need for nuclear weapons:  (a) an irresponsible industry and government creating weapons of mass destruction, and (b) an pre-emptive war mindset that is justified in the exercise of violence by the police state against the everyday citizens of earth.

That is why I am going to try to do this whole tour.  Starting with leg one, that will get me through the ceremony part of the intention seeding at a minimum.  #LifeIsLong and we will do what we can with the resources available.

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FBLRM2015.2 Purpose

Summer Vacation.  You see, I don't know what else to do, so I do what my parents taught me to do and go from there.  A summer roadtrip or vacation was an every year thing, that's one thing my Euro Immigrant parents taught me that I keep.  And then, I go to the indigenous and the reality that I am in with them and #Fuqafukushima if #BlackLivesMatter all the time, even when on vacation.  So, #Mashup and poof, I always wanted to go to Mt. Rushmore.  I figure I can rant at them really loud (if you've ever done shamanic 'name' calling with me, like we did all the time on the Red Rocks in Las Vegas and all around Southern Nevada, you know exactly what I'm talking about . . . I figure I got at least 2 hours for each of them, but I think ranting for 3 hours is enough for any one person on planet earth right now.  Besides, i'm on vacation right.  The rest of the time, photographing, camping, hanging out being on our planet circa 2015.

I need funding -- well, I really don't.  I can sell a painting to my patron and get the gas money i need and do like i did last summer.  I WANT funding.  I want to be able to fix whatever I want along the way.  I want to be able to random flow where the universe wants me to go and be able to do it AND stick on schedule, AND bring others along for the ride who the universe wants to go with me.  I want a STRONG street team when we get to Ferguson so that we can help dispatch with this stupid KKK church burning mother fuqers once and for all.  ok, i'm ranting already.  #saveit4theStoneColdDeadFuqinPresidentsWhoCre8dThisMess .... I'll Start with Mr. Lincoln and wtf because of this war on terror we're under, that's why.  #BattleBorn <3nikiv p="">
Purpose:  Summer Vacation.

Mission:  To Discover what the 2nd World on Earth has to offer to help Save The #FuqafukushimiedFirstWorld

Intention:  To Find Love -- Well, isn't that what someone does on Summer Vacation?  and i figured it would help with the whole #BlackLivesREALLYMatter vibe.  #NothingButLove or, to follow the story, #Looking4LoveOn and it already started on tumblr some time ago, and ..... but you have to know the story from here, Blogspot, which I started after #zaadz and after #gaiadotcom and after #myspace, so the story of the former husband is all there somewhere if you care to know all that drama. 

So, whether I go alone or with just Siobahn for a bit, Wendy & Jewel for a bit or a bus load of strangers or a caravan of hippies because this is what hippies do in the Summer, right?!  any way, in total #occupyyourself fashion, #autonomy is fundamental, #empowering is my favorite, #walkawayifimoverwhelmed is my style.  #4agreements i try to live by and hold you to it at the same level i expect you to hold me to it because we want to get better, and we are always trying to get better because #togetherwerise in #solidarity, which means to me, "If I Can I Will."

This is the vibe and the way i want to do this, and i think I need $1,000 to do the first leg or two, which I will do one way or the other, even if it takes all summer to do it.  =)

The Itinerary #OLA on Tumblr "Fuqafukushima Conspiracy" is the goal, what happens, is up to the universe.  This is one of my Human Reclamation Projects -- Reclaiming the Human I was born to be.  I am sad I do not have my profile from #gaiadotcom someone has it somewhere, so you know the order in which i think and prioritize from that.  i don't need to explain that shit again, do i?!  anyway . . . #g2g, follow #FuqafukushimaBlackLivesReallyMatter2015 #FBLRM2015 for more details and if you have some extra $ and wanna help pay for gas and maybe a new windshield or you have a bus charter company or own a tour bus and will fund the journey for a crew, it would be nice to do it on any level that comes together, and it will be fun to watch others do it on their own levels as well.  just do it.  whatever you think you need to do for summer vacation just do it.  and #occupyyourself in the way you do your everyday life while you do it.  and #shareyourstory #readeverywhere =)  

SO YES, if you have ever been one of those many people who ask me if I need money, yes, I now need money.  you can email it to or specifically support the tour

I always only need gas money and if you want to buy my art, #Kismart @KTonysKismet via @TonyKayWay is always a potential with the right peeps.  =)

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Friday, July 03, 2015



The itinerary is here :  FuqaFukushimaConspiracy

The idea is simple, doing what i do and taking it on the road.  That means #OccupyCityHall and any public comment that's available.  That means social media art and lots of it as we engage with random reality on the road with an itinerary and map to go and do ceremony and supporting actions and encouraging and empowering those in the communities I happen to be in to help amplify their voice there in their community and out through social media.

I started a "Go Fund Me" and then I woke up the next day going, "Did I really do that?"

Yes I did.  #Tumblr is
required reading ... if you care, that is, to know purpose of this even existing.

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