Saturday, October 10, 2015


Everyday Is A New Day

Each and every day is unique.  Oh, sure, sometimes the routine of our days mold days after days that seem the same, yet each one is new, different and has its own unique experience.

I have found in doing my work as a peace activist, keeping that thought on the forefront of our conversations and communications allow different thoughts to come from all kinds of sources and people.

Know that each moment, each day is a special time to create something better than what is, and that everyone you meet or experience is here to do it along with you.  Listen carefully, speak accurately and live in the true reality that your experience has lead you to find in the day you are living.

Participate in the government if you believe government is a good thing for our communities, nation and planet -- if you do not participate in the government, our government will fail like it is today.

Go on, go to your next city council meeting or public utility meeting and learn the way of integrated living as part of the structure that creates the world you experience every single day.

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