Monday, November 16, 2015


Tamir Rice : One Year Later

On 22 November it will be one year since a uniformed police man shot and killed a 12 year old child playing with a toy gun at a playground in Cleveland, Ohio.  There was no interaction, the officer just came out of the police care and shot that child dead.

The actions of the officer need to be looked at carefully and deliberately by our law enforcement officials -- the District Attorney and Attorney General -- specifically must look at the level of competence for police officers and for them to stop those police officers from murdering other human beings while we pay them to do their job -- EXACTLY what is the "Job" of a "Police Officer" in our nation these days anyway?  Maybe we need a collective definition everyone agrees on -- tech and even FOX news can help with that.

That is how we need to fix our police brutality problem in America.  Stopping the brutal police from going out and being brutal to the citizens that pay them to do their job of bringing peace to our communities.

I stand in solidarity with the family of Tamir Rice for answers from their City and State for what happened to their child, for the arrest and prosecution of the "police officer", and for restitution at the federal levels for the family for their loss.

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